TiVo Graphs - How they work

The graphs are generated by a combination of a module on the TiVo that reads the data; a Perl script, MRTG, RRDTool and 14all.cgi on the webserver.

This page explains how to generate graphs using MRTG's graphing module rather than RRDTool.

Here's an example of the output from MRTG's grapher.

How to install

Ingredients: Recipe:
  1. Install MRTG and Perl on your webserver if you don't already have them
  2. Install the .pl file to a directory on your webserver (mine are in /usr/local/mrtgscripts/)
  3. Edit the Perl script to contain the IP address/name of your TiVo and the path to store the data files
  4. Chmod +x the script so it is executable
  5. Install the lj_mrtg.itcl module onto your TiVo and restart TiVoWeb
  6. Edit /etc/mrtg.cfg to call the Perl module.  I've included a section of my mrtg.cfg in the zip file as an example
That's it!  Easy ;)

If you run my scripts, please put a link on your page to my site.  Thanks :)

Home Last updated: 1st January 2004